Share Information
Share Information
Shares in Sinch AB (publ) are traded on the Main Market of Nasdaq Stockholm on the Mid Cap list under the trade symbol ‘SINCH’. As of 31 December 2023, the company had a total of 843,069,811 shares. A press releases, with a new total, will be issued on the last trading day of the month if new shares have been issued. See
The company was formerly known as CLX Communications AB (publ) and traded under the trade symbol ‘CLX’. The shares have been listed on Nasdaq Stockholm since October 8, 2015.
Share History
On October 8, 2015, shares in CLX Communications AB were listed on Nasdaq Stockholm under the symbol ‘CLX’. After the IPO was completed, there were 32,432,430 shares in the company.
On July 11, 2016, CLX Communications AB acquired Mblox. In order to partially finance the acquisition of Mblox, an extraordinary general meeting held June 7, 2016, endorsed the Board of Directors’ proposal to issue a maximum of 16,216,215 new shares in a private placement to existing shareholders.
On December 20, 2016, CLX Communications AB acquired Sinch AB, whose name the company would eventually adopt. Part of the purchase consideration was paid through a non-cash issue of 885,797 shares.
On February 13, 2019, CLX Communications AB announced that the company will change its name to Sinch AB.
On 26 March, 2020, Sinch AB completed a directed issue of 5,000,000 shares. This followed the announcement that Sinch had entered an agreement to acquire Wavy.
On 15 June, 2020, Sinch AB completed a directed issue of 1,052.631 shares. The issue followed the announcement that Sinch would acquire ACL Mobile.
On 30 November, 2020, Sinch AB completed a directed issue of 3,187,736.
On 18 May 2021, the annual general meeting in Sinch AB resolved on a share split 10:1 whereby each share is divided into ten shares. The first day of trading after the share split was 17 June, 2021, when the number of shares increased from 72,267,211 shares to 722,672,110 shares. The new ISIN code for the company’s shares after the share split is SE0016101844.
On May 24 2021, Sinch completed a directed share issue of 7,232,077 shares, raising approximately SEK 9.4 billion.
On September 30 2021, Sinch completed a directed share issue of approximately 40 million shares raising approximately SEK 6.6 billion. The first part, 18,999,994 shares, were issued on this day, the remaining shares were issued in December, .
On November 1 2021, Sinch completed an issue of 835,677 shares in connection with the MessengerPeople acquisition.
On November 5 2021, Sinch completed an issue of 481,860 shares in connection with the acquisition of MessageMedia.
On December 1 2021, Sinch carries out the second part, consisting of 21,077,847 shares, of the directed new share issue announced on 30 September 2021
On February 10 2022, Sinch completed an in-kind share issue of 25.5 million shares to the sellers of Pathwire.
On April 29 2022, Sinch carried out an issue of 10,803,010 shares to the sellers of MessageMedia.
On May 26 2022, Sinch carried out an issue of 25,5 million shares to the sellers of Pathwire.
Warrants and stock options
Incentive programs for senior executives and key employees within Sinch are in place to ensure alignment between shareholders and management. The terms and conditions for participation in these programs are decided by shareholders through Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings.
For more information about the inventive programs, please see note 9 in the Annual Report and AGM related information at